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Figure 17. Fig.17 Body Frame Definition for Lever Arm Offset (Novatel Inertial Explorer 8.20, 2009)
The IMU is the local origin of the system and the measurements are defined as follows:
X : The measured lateral distance in the vehicle body frame from the IMU to the GNSS antenna;
Y : The measured distance along the longitudinal axis of the vehicle from the IMU to the GNSS antenna.
Z : The measured height change from the IMU to the GNSS antenna (Fig.18).
Figure 18. The definition of the offsets between the IMU unit and the GPS antenna
(IMAR iTrace-F200, 2008)
4.3.3. Complex positioning equipment for the slide monitoring
In the same time it is very important to mention that the necessary accuracies of some
centimetres can be obtained due to the capability of a device such as Novatel GPS which is
to function in a differential RTK (Real Time Kinematic) regime. (Kennedy S. et al., 2007).
This type of operation is obtained by connecting the Novatel GPS receiver via Internet to a
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