Geography Reference
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“Mordva” and “Reza” regions crossing two lakes - smaller one “Iuan ozera” and the larger
one “ploglar ozera”. Finally it reaches the smallest of them “rezanskoy ozera”.
Between the two mentioned seas runs two mountain ranges marked with small hillocks,
which are almost for sure Kaukaz mountains. The name of this region is marked “Chirkassi
Petigorski ”. Below is Kura river ( “Cirus fl.”). To finish the description of the left lower part of
the map, it is worth mentioning the cities of the region, but they will be included in the
Dictionary” of further “Monography “. In this chapter there should be yet considered
Kaspian Sea (“Mare Caspium”) with the estuary of Volga river. It changes its names (“Volga
fl” or “Volga Rha uel Edel fl.” or “volgha fl.”) . The another one is Ural river mouth (“bogthiar”
& “Yaik fl.”). However, coming back to the course of proper Volga going from its estuary in
Caspian Sea - its first half of the course is better shown than in other early maps, however
we can say that there is not one Volga river! The proper course of Volga river goes from the
Caspian Sea under the name “volga fl. and “Volga fl.””. Then from Kazan (“Cazane gorode”) it
turns by 90 0 angle to the west to Nizhny Novgorod (“Ni nougorod” ), next it takes the name
“Volga, Rha, uel Edel, fl.”. Between the city Balachna ( “Balaghna”) and Kastroma (“Ca trome”)
the river takes back the name of “volga fl.” and just behind Yaroslav ( “yearaslaue”) it bifurcate
into two Volga rivers. One of them flows to the south (“volga, rha, uel edel, fl.”) and finishes
its course in mysterious “volock lacus” going subsequently through Yaroslav city
( “yearoslaue”) “finishing” its proper course to Tver (“Tuer”) and then to “volock lacus” as
“volga, rha, vel edel, fl.” . The other one (“volgha fl”) reaches White See ( “biatla ozera”) . In the
mentioned “volock lacus” are also sources of so-called western Dvina and Dnieper river.
“Duina fl” flows through Vitebsk city (“Widep ky”). To-day it flows to the Riga Gulf and its
source it takes in the Valdai hills (Latvia).Coming back to the Caspian Sea from Volga
toward the east is the river Ural, which today flows through Nagaya region ( “Nagaia ”), and
in a wider sense Tartaria. In this quarter of the map - in the east side we have yet today
Kara-Bogaz Gulf, in the shape of widely extent and long mouth of the Ougus river (Amu-
Daria). In this part of the map we have many different regions. Going from the south there
are : “Petigorski”, “Astracan”, “Chirkassi”, Crimea”, Mordva”, “Rezane”, “Volodemer”,
“Novogardia”, “Ceremise Gorni”, “ “Ceremise Lowgovoi”, “Casane”, “Vstimia”, “Vologda”,
“Cargapolia”, “Meschora”, “Dvina”, “Permia”, “Condora”, and “Obdora”. Coming back to the
north-western border of the quarter of the map there is east part of Livonia (“Livonia”) and
Lithuania (“Litvania”). Neva river flows into Finland Gulf (“Sinus Finlandicus”). In the map
Neva takes name of “volgha fl.” As far as the west-northern part of the western half of the
map is concerned, there is one more Volga river but this one are today's Neva and Svir
rivers. There are equally two well known lakes Ladoga and Onega, but in Jenkinson's map
they change places and sizes with each other. Namely, Onega Lake (“ Our hock lacus ”) is
larger than Ladoga Lake (“ Vladi coy lacus ”). Further to the north is situated White Lake
(“biatla ozera” ), which is on the way of Onega river ( “Onega fl.” ) and the river finally flows
correctly to the bay of White Sea, today's Onega Bay. In the north-east fragment of the
western half of the map there are yet three great rivers - North Dvina (“duina” ), Mezen river
(“mezena fl”) and Petshora river (“Pechora fl.”) . The fourth river Ob makes some kind of the
border between west and east half of the Jenkinson map. All of the rivers mentioned here
have its own tributaries in the map, but not every one of them is named. One more river in
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