Geography Reference
In-Depth Information
Figure 5. Northwards of the Caspian Sea in the genuine Jenkinson's map
Some other interesting descriptions are as follows: “Vrbs Cora on a Rege Per ico adiuuantibus
Tartaris anno 1558 expugnata fuit” (transl. “The city Corason had been captured in 1558 by the
Persian king, who was supported by Tartars”), “Shamarcandia olim totius Tartariae metropolis
fuit, at nunc ruinis deformis iacet, una cum multis antiquitatis ue tigijs. Hic conditus e t =
Tamerlanns ille, qui olim Turcarum Imperatorem Baiazitem captivi aureis catenis uinctum
circumtulit. Incolae mahumetani unt” (transl. “Samarcanda was a capitol of the entire Tartaria,
now is in ruinous state, however with numerous ancient relics. It was founded by Tamerlan,
who in early times conducted emperor of Turks Bajazyd, who was chained in golden
chains. The habitants are Mahometans”), “Boghar urbs ampli  ima, aliquando Per is fuit
subdita. Ciues Mahumeticam here im amplexantur, Per icaeque loquuntur. Frequentia hic unt
commercia, tum ex Cataya, India, Per ia, alijsque orbis tractibus” (transl. “Boghar is the most
extentsive city, in early times it was subjected to Persians. The habitants are heretic
Mahometans and they speak Persian. There are often trade fairs, /merchants/ come from
China, India, Persia and from other districts of different countries”), “Rex hic aduer us
Ca sachios a  idua bella mouet, quae gens nuper prope exterminata fuerat” (transl. “This King is
still fighting against Khasack tribes. Once they have been close to be chase away”),
“Princeps hic cum Indis plurimae habet certamina, qui ad au trum illi finitimi unt” (transl.
“This duke is still fighting with Hinduss, who are his neighbours from the south”),
Ca carae princeps Mahumetanus est, ac cum Kirgijs bella mouet ” (transl. “Duke of Caskhara is
Mahometan and he is fighting against Kirghiz”).
Conclusion: these above mentioned descriptions placed in the map give us quite a rich
material on history of the territory in question.
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