Database Reference
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Server Configuration
server you are installing to for later configuration tasks. On the desktop of
your server, right-click and select New and the select Text Document. Name
it HDP Configuration . You will use this document for a few pieces of
information you will need later.
Next, complete the following steps:
1. Get your hostname. At a command prompt on the cluster host, execute
the following command: Hostname . You will receive back the hostname
of your server. Copy and paste this text into the HDP configuration file
you created and save the file.
2. Now you configure a firewall. For the purposes of a development
environment, the easiest thing to do is to disable the firewall completely
and open all ports.
3. Open the Control Panel. Type firewall into the search box. Click
Check Firewall Status. Click Turn Windows Firewall on or off. Click
Turn off Windows Firewall for all available networks.
If your corporate firewall policies require you to have firewalls turned
on, you must open up all of the necessary ports. One way to do it is to
open an administrative command prompt (Shift+right-click, Run as
Administrator) and type the following command for each port:
netsh advfirewall firewall add rule
name=AllowRPCCommunication dir=in
action=allow protocol=TCP localport=135
Table 3.1 through Table 3.4 list the default ports used by the various
services. Make sure the appropriate ports are opened before you install
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