Database Reference
In-Depth Information
Private Container on a Separate Account
To connect to a private container on a separate storage account, you must
configure Hadoop for access to the container. To make this configuration
change, complete the following steps:
1. Use Remote Desktop to connect to your HDInsight cluster by clicking
the Configure button on your HDInsight dashboard.
2. In Windows Explorer, navigate to the
C:\apps\dist\hadoop-1.1.0-SNAPSHOT\conf\ directory and
open the core-site.xml file in Notepad.
3. Add the following snippet of XML, ensuring that you substitute the
storage account name and storage account key:
4. Save the changes and close the file.
After you define the account and security key required for access to the
container, HDInsight will treat the container as a local container.
You can easily use the Hadoop FileSystem API to manage containers
from your HDInsight cluster. A few of the common commands are
included here:
• Create a new container
hadoop fs -mkdir
• List container contents
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