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hadoop jar c:\mahout\mahout-core-0.7-job.jar
--input=/user/<YOUR USERNAME>/chapter15/
--output=/user/<YOUR USERNAME>/chapter15/
The preceding command assumes that you have placed the Mahout files
in a local directory called c:\Mahout . If your files are located in
another directory, adjust the command so that the path to the Mahout
*. jar files is correct before using the command.
The RecommenderJob is a prebuilt jar that accepts multiple arguments.
At a minimum, you must specify the similarity metric that will be used to
determine similarity between users, your input data file, and the path for
your recommendation job output.
A number of other job parameters control how the RecommenderJob
behaves and will allow you to customize it without investing time or effort in
coding. Table 12.3 describes these additional job parameters.
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