Database Reference
In-Depth Information
Don't worry if all this talk of different table types is a bit confusing; we are
going to talk about distributed and replicated tables later in this chapter.
Suffice it to say that PDW supports two types of tables: distributed and
replicated. When creating a table, we decide whether we want to distribute
the data across the appliance (in which case we use a distributed table) or
if we want to replicate the table. Typically, large facts are distributed, and
dimensions are replicated. This is not always true, but it is a reasonable
starting point.
For completeness, we need to recognize the primary filegroup. The primary
filegroup only holds data system table metadata for your database objects
just like a regular SQL Server database. The only difference is that we do not
let user data go into the primary filegroup. Most of the time, we ignore that
it is even there.
You should now see that the CREATE DATABASE statement is logical;
that is, it is used to create multiple physical databases to support the one
database you have specified. To help facilitate this shift from logical to
physical, PDW implements a layer of abstraction. An example of that can
be seen with the database name. Only the database built on the control
node would be given the name you have specified. The databases on the
compute nodes have a different name. It follows the convention of DB_
followed by 32 alphanumeric characters. This abstracted name is used on
every compute node. PDW exposes this mapping via a PDW-specific catalog
mapping view called sys.pdw_database_mappings. Here is some sample
code and the results (See Figure 10.4 ) :
, dm.physical_name
FROM sys.databases d
JOIN sys.pdw_database_mappings dm ON d.database_id =
WHERE = 'AdventureWorksPDW2012'
Figure 10.4 Logical and physical database names in PDW
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