Database Reference
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6. Finish walking through the wizard, and at the end, you will be presented
with the Hive ODBC driver's property screen (see Figure 8.2 ).
Figure 8.2 Hortonworks ODBC driver properties.
7. Replace the Host entry with the name or IP address of the server
hosting your Hive installation.
If you choose Test at this point, it should connect successfully.
8. The Advanced Options dialog box also contains a few items of interest,
though the default will work in most cases. The two properties that you
are most likely to need to change under Advanced Options are Rows
Fetched per Block and Default String Column Length. Rows Fetched per
Block tells Hive how many rows to return in a batch. The default of
10,000 will work in most scenarios; but if you are having performance
issues, you can adjust that value. The Default String Column Length
property tells the driver what to report back as the string length to SSIS.
As noted in Chapter 6, Hive doesn't inherently track the length of string
columns. However, SSIS is much more particular about this and
requires the driver to report a value back. This setting controls how long
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