Database Reference
In-Depth Information
Beeswax and Hue are not yet supported in HDInsight or the
Hortonworks HDP 1.3 distribution, but it is under development. In the
meantime, the CLI is the primary means of interacting directly with
You can launch the CLI by navigating to the Hive bin folder
( c:\hdp\hadoop\hive-\bin in the
Hortonworks HDP 1.3 distribution with the default setup). Once there, run
the CLI by executing the hive.cmd application. After the CLI has been run,
you'll notice that the prompt changes to hive (see Figure 6.1 ) .
Figure 6.1 Hive CLI Interface
on each line of code that you want to execute. You can enter multiple lines,
and the CLI will buffer them, until a semicolon is entered. At that point, the
CLI executes all the proceeding commands.
A useful feature of the Hive CLI is the ability to run hadoop dfs commands
without exiting. The Hive CLI uses an alias so that you can simply reference
dfs directly, without the hadoop keyword, and it will execute the dfs
command and return the results. For example, running the following code
from the Hive prompt returns a recursive directory listing from the Hadoop
file system:
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