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As you start typing on the virtual keyboard, we think you'll find the following tips ex-
tremely helpful:
See what letter you're typing. As you press your finger against a letter or number on the
screen, the individual key you press darkens until you lift your finger, as shown in Figure 2-7 .
That way, you know you've struck the correct letter or number.
Figure 2-7: The ABCs of virtual typing.
Slide to the correct letter if you tap the wrong one. No need to worry if you touched the
wrong key. You can slide your finger to the correct key because the letter isn't recorded until
you release your finger.
Tap and hold to access special accent marks, alternative punctuation, or URL endings.
Sending a message to an overseas pal? Keep your finger pressed against a letter, and a row
of keys showing variations on the character for foreign alphabets pops up, as shown in Fig-
ure 2-8 . This row lets you add the appropriate accent mark. Just slide your finger until you're
pressing the key with the relevant accent mark and then lift your finger.
Meanwhile, if you press and hold the .com key in Safari, it offers you the choice of .com, .net,
.edu, or .org, with additional options if you also use international keyboards — pretty slick
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