Hardware Reference
In-Depth Information
Performing a restore deletes everything on your iPad — all your data, media, and set-
tings. You should be able to put things back the way they were with your next sync. If that
doesn't happen, well, consider yourself forewarned.
Sync, Computer, or iTunes Issues
The last category of troubleshooting techniques in this chapter applies to issues that involve syn-
chronization and computer-iPad relations. If you're having problems syncing or your computer
doesn't recognize your iPad when you connect it, here are some things to try.
Once again, we suggest that you try these procedures in the order they're presented here:
1. Recharge your iPad.
Ifyoudidn'ttryitpreviously,tryitnow.Gotothe Resuscitating aniPadwithIssues ”section,
earlier in this chapter, and read what we say about recharging your iPad. Every word there
also applies here.
2. Try a different USB port or a different cable if you have one available.
It doesn't happen often, but occasionally USB ports and cables go bad. When they do, they
invariably cause sync and connection problems. Always make sure that a bad USB port or
cable isn't to blame.
If you don't remember what we said about using USB ports on your computer rather than the
ones on your keyboard, monitor, or hub, we suggest that you reread the Recharge section,
earlier in this chapter.
3. Restart your iPad and try to sync again.
We describe restarting in full and loving detail in the “ Restart section, earlier in this chapter.
4. Reinstall iTunes.
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