Hardware Reference
In-Depth Information
The virtual keyboard appears.
2. Type a title for the new reminder.
You can dictate your reminder instead of typing it. You can find out more about dictation in
Chapter 14 .
The item appears in the current Reminders list.
At this point, your reminder is bare-bones; its date, repeat, and priority options have not been
3. To activate any (or all) options, tap the reminder and then tap the little i-in-a-circle.
The Details overlay is revealed, as shown in Figure 13-4 .
Your options include the following:
• TapRemindMeOnADayifyouwanttospecifyadayandtimeforthisreminder.
If you have an iPad mini with 3G or 4G, you can also set a location-based re-
minder. Just tap the At a Location switch (not shown in Figure 13-4 because that
particular iPad is Wi-Fi only) to enable it, specify the location, and then choose
When I Arrive, or When I Leave.
Location-based reminders will suck your iPad battery dry faster
than almost anything else. Remember to mark location-based reminders as com-
something you've already done every time you pass that location and drain your
iPad battery unnecessarily.
If you set a location-based reminder with an iPhone, iPad with 3G
or 4G, or iPad mini with cellular, or with the Reminders app in OS X Mountain
Lion or Mavericks, the reminder syncs with your Wi-Fi-only iPad, but without
the location information. In fact, you won't even see the At a Location switch if
your iPad mini is a Wi-Fi-only model (as in Figure 13-4 ).
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