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The Faces feature requires that you sync to the iPad mini with iPhoto or Aperture on a
Entering the Photo Booth
Remember the old-fashioned photo booths at the local Five-and-Dime? Remember the Five-and-
Dime? Okay, if you don't remember such variety stores, your parents probably do, and if they don't,
their parents no doubt do. The point is that photo booths (which do still exist) are fun places to ham
it up solo or with a friend as the machine captures and spits out wallet-size pictures.
With the Photo Booth app, Apple has cooked up a modern alternative to a real photo booth. The app
is a close cousin to a similar application on the Mac. Here's how Photo Booth works:
1. Tap the Photo Booth icon.
The tic-tac-toe-style grid, as shown in Figure 9-17 .
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