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Figure 6-4: Tap the little i -in-a-circle to see these options.
In Standard, Hybrid, or Satellite view, you can zoom to see either more or less of the map — or
scroll (pan) to see what's above, below, or to the left or right of what's on the screen:
Zoom out: Pinch the map ortap using two fingers. Tozoom outeven more, pinch ortap using
two fingers again.
This may be a new concept to you. To tap with two fingers, merely tap with
two fingers touching the screen simultaneously (rather than the usual one finger).
Zoom in: Unpinch the map (some people refer to this gesture as a spread ) or double-tap (the
usual way — with just one finger) the spot you want to zoom in on. Unpinch or double-tap
with one finger again to zoom in even more.
An unpinch is the opposite of a pinch. Start with your thumb and a finger together and then
spread them apart.
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