Biomedical Engineering Reference
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d n 4 t 3 n g | 7
n 3 .
Figure 3.6
(a) a representation of a 3D 128 silicon-glass electrode array. The elec-
trodes are mounted on a CMOS chip with embedded signal processing.
The microelectrode needle electrodes are 600, 425 and 250 mm in length,
with 120 mm spacing and 15 mm tip. (b) A close-up of the details and
composition of the electrode array. (c) An image of etched silicon elec-
trodes of various lengths in a glass matrix. 19
(Reprinted by kind permission of Annual Reviews).
dendritic connections. An array of 25 000 neurons can convert signals that
indicate whether a simulated plane is experiencing stable or volatile weather
conditions. 35 Signals related to conditions such as straight flight or tilted axis
are transmitted for flight path correction and then retransmitted to the
airplane's control system.
Extracellular signals recorded from nerve cell cultures are very sensitive to
neuroactive compounds—water-soluble molecules that can have direct
metabolic effects. This in turn, may increase, decrease or stop activity (cAMP,
and cause
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