Geoscience Reference
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morphology of the moving mass with consideration of mechanism, material and
rate of movement.
1. Con
ned failures:
in natural slopes and
in excavated slopes.
2. Rotational slips:
(a) Single rotational slips
(b) Successive rotational slips
(c) Multiple rotational slips.
3. Compound Slides:
In slide mass of low to moderate brittleness
In slide mass of high brittleness.
4. Translational Slides:
(a) Sheet slides
(b) Slab slides; flake slides
(c) Peat slides
(d) Rock slides:
i. planar slides; block slides
ii. Stepped slides
iii. Wedge failures
(e) Slides of debris:
i. Debris-slides: debris avalanches (non-periglacial)
ii. Active layer slides (periglacial)
(f) Sudden spreading failures.
On the basis of Soil Fabric and Pore Water Pressure, Hutchinson (1988) also
ed landslides.
A. Soil Fabric [effects on c,
1. First-time Slides in Previously Unsheared Ground: soil fabric tends to be
random and shear strength parameters are at peak or between peak and
residual values.
2. Slides of pre-existing shears associated with:
i. Re-activation of earlier landslides
ii. Initiation of landsliding on pre-existing shear produced by processes
other than earlier landsliding, i.e.:
(a) Tectonics
(b) Glacitectonic
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