Geoscience Reference
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Fig. 8.20 Reconstruction of the Hill Cart Road near Paglajhora
but the lack of maintenance generally makes all the constructions more susceptible
to slope failure and that is why the regular maintenance is more important to
mitigate landslide. In the
field of landslide mitigation, the local authority, the
developer, the architect and the contractor and in due course the building owner
have to play an important role in terms of ensuring landslide management activities
in the most suitable manner by taking into account the steepness of slope, geo-
technical properties of the slope materials and the relative weight of the concrete
structure for
further construction in the landslide prone area of Shivkhola
In terms of construction techniques, there are a number of techniques for min-
imizing the impacts of ground movement through appropriate design. In this cases,
the foundation of the building and location sites are more important. Traditional
strip foundation can easily fracture, causing signi
cant structural damage at
Tindharia, Mahanadi and Gayabari Tea Garden. Rafts can accommodate slight
movements and span minor
fissures and voids that may form beneath the raft over
the lifetime of the building. Beside light-weight framed buildings, which may be of
timber with brick or concrete in
ll or sheet construction materials, are likely to be
least problematic in future. At Giddapahar, Tindharia Upslope and Shiviter Tea
Garden area, construction of the houses should have raft foundation with jacking
points. Light weight, low rise buildings composed of materials that will not be
prone to visible cracking and damage may be effective. Human activities such as
slope cut and
fill operation over the steep slope in the surrounding of dense
settlement area (Tindharia, Mahanadi and Sepoydhura) and lack of maintenance of
waste water and roof-top water disposal adversely affect the ground stability con-
dition. Residents both in groups or individual, can work together to ensure the
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