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Fig. 3.2 Spatial distribution of drainage up to 4th order stream, 1972
watershed 1 ranks 2nd in terms of areal coverage. On an average most of area of
sub-watershed 2, 3, 4, 5 and 6 are dominated by
first order streams, followed by 2nd
and 3rd orders (Table 3.4 ). Order wise stream network analysis of 1972 depicts that
the whole basin is being mostly dominated by the impact of 1st order streams and
their gradual headward extension (Fig. 3.2 ). The central-mid section is character-
ized by the cumulative effects of streams due to existence of 3rd and 4th order
streams with maximum discharge.
3.3.2 Drainage Network Analysis of 1987
The drainage lines depicted in 1987 SOI (Survey of India) Topographical map,
showed a further branching and extension of the channels (Fig. 3.3 ). The watershed
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