Geology Reference
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at the University of Edinburgh are acknowledged for providing financial support for this project. A preliminary
version of this work was presented at the Second International Conference on Coal Fire Research organized by the
Sino-German Coal Fire Research Initiative, Berlin, 2010.
Important Terms
Forced cooling
The application of a suppression agent to cool smoldering coal.
The ability of a porous material to allow a fluid to flow through it.
Re-ignition temperature The temperature below which coal must be cooled in order to suppress a fire. It
depends on the composition and thermal properties of the coal as well as the
surrounding rock.
A slow and low temperature form of combustion where oxygen directly attacks the
surface of a solid fuel.
The suppression of a fire by preventing the flow of oxygen.
Suppression agent
A material used in suppressing a fire.
Thermal inertia
A measure of the responsiveness of a material to changes in temperature.
Electronic devices used to measure temperature.
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