Geology Reference
In-Depth Information
Kim, A.G., Dalverny, L.E., 1994. Mine fire diagnostics at the large mine site. International Land Reclamation and
Mine Drainage Conference, Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania, US Bureau of Mines Special Publication SP 06D-94,
vol. 4, pp. 139
Kim, A.G., Douglas, L.J., 1973. Gases Desorbed from Five Coals of Low Gas Content. US Bureau of Mines RI
7768, 9 p.
Kim, A.G., Justin, T.R., Miller, J.F., 1992. Mine Fire Diagnostics Applied to the Carbondale Mine Fire. US Bureau
of Mines RI 9421, 16p.
Kuchta, J.M., Rowe, V.R., Burgess, D.S., 1980. Spontaneous Combustion Susceptibility of U.S. Coals. US Bureau
of Mines RI 8474, 42 p.
Leitch, R.D., 1940. Some Information on Extinguishing Refuse-Bank Fires Near Mahonoy City, Pennsylvania. US
Bureau of Mines IC 7104, 16 p.
Magnuson, M.O., 1974. Control of Fires in Abandoned Mines in the Eastern Bituminous Region of the United
States. US Bureau of Mines IC 8620, 53 p.
Maustellar, J.W., Gross, S.S., 1996. Aqueous Foams for Refuse Pile Fire Control. US Bureau of Mines Research
Contract Report 1432 HO349015, 15 p.
McElroy, G.E., 1938. Some Observations on the Causes, Behavior, and Control of Fires in Steep Pitch Anthracite
Mines. US Bureau of Mines IC 7025, 36 p.
Michalski, S.R., Winshel, L.J., Gray, R.E., 1988. Underground Mine Fires on Abandoned Mine Lands. Proceed-
ings 10th Annual Conference of the National Association of Abandoned Mine Land Programs, Wilkes Barre,
Pennsylvania, October 10
14, 29 p.
Miron, Y., Lazzara, C.P., Smith, A.C., 1992. Cause of Floor Self-Heatings in an Underground Coal Mine. US
Bureau of Mines RI 9415, 24 p.
Miron, Y., Smith, A.C., Lazzara, C.P., 1990. Sealed Flask Test for Evaluating the Self-Heating Tendencies of
Coals. US Bureau of Mines RI 9330, 18 p.
Mowery, G., 1995. Ground penetrating radar and infrared thermography tests at a burning coal waste bank.
Proceedings 17th Annual Conference of the National Association of Abandoned Mine Land Programs, French
Lick, Indiana, October 15
Philbin, D.R., Holbrook II, J.A., 1988. Progress Toward Abatement of Mine Fires in the Anthracite Coal Fields. US
Bureau of Mines IC 9184, pp. 330
18, pp. 87
Renner, S., 2005. Report on the Status of fires at abandoned underground coal mines in Colorado, Colorado
Division of Minerals and Geology, 80 p., final_report_1-27_ab-low.pdf (accessed
August 2008).
Rushworth, P., Haefner, B.D., Hynes, J.L., Streufert, R.K., 1989. Reconnaissance Study of Coal Fires in Inactive
Colorado Coal Mines. Colorado Geological Survey, Denver, Colorado, IS26, 60 p.
Scott, G.S., 1944. Anthracite Mine Fires: Their Behavior and Control. US Bureau of Mines Bulletin 455, 206 p.
Shellenberger, F.H., Donner, D.L., 1979. Controlling Fires in Unmined Coal Deposits and Abandoned Coal Mines
in the Western United States and Alaska. US Bureau of Mines Progress Report 10047, 150 p.
Smith, A.F., Lazarra, C.P., 1987. Spontaneous Combustion Studies of U.S. Coals: US Bureau of Mines RI 9079, 28 p.
Smith, A.C., Miron, M., Lazzara, C.P., 1991. Large-Scale Studies of SpontaneousCombustion of Coal. US Bureau
of Mines RI 9346, 30 p.
Soroka, K.E., Chaiken, R.F., Dalverny, L.E., Divers, E.F., 1986. Calamity Hollow Mine Fire Project (in five parts),
part 5, Excavation and Evaluation of the Fire Zone. US Bureau of Mines RI 9001, 25 p.
WWW Addresses: Additional Reading
A ll of the work by the US Bureau of Mines was documented in reports of investigation (RI), information circulars
(IC), and bulletins (B) published by the Bureau of Mines and distributed without cost to those who were interested.
The discussion of the Bureau
s work in this chapter is a relatively brief excerpt of the information in these reports.
A more detailed discussion of fires in abandoned or inactive mines and waste banks is contained in the Centralia
report (Chaiken et al., 1983) and in an IC on fires in abandoned coal mines and waste banks (Kim and Chaiken,
I acquired a collection of reports on various fire topics during my tenure as a researcher with the Bureau.
Unfortunately, these publications are not as easily obtained now. The National Technical Information Service
( sells copies of items in its collection. Try the advanced search with DIBM as the source
agency and one of the words in the title as a keyword. Some publications can be obtained from
( or used book sellers. As successor agencies to the Bureau of Mines, the National
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