Information Technology Reference
In-Depth Information
Tip 219
Install Apps on All Your Macs
Did you know that if you have several Mac computers within your home, you
can legally install any apps you buy through the Mac App Store on all the
Macs without having to pay anything extra? This requires you to sign into
the Mac App Store with the same Apple ID on each of the computers. Then
click the Purchases tab, and you'll see listed all the apps you've ever bought.
Just click the Install button alongside any of them to install them.
You can also configure the Mac App Store to automatically install on that
particular Mac any apps you purchase on another Mac—keeping all your
Macs up-to-date with your purchases. Open System Preferences (Apple menu
→System Preferences), and then click the Software Update icon. Then check
Automatically Download Apps Purchased on Other Macs.
Note that none of this applies to business or educational users, for whom a
volume licensing system is available. 15
Tip 220
Move the Cursor When Using Page Up/Page Down
Here's an annoying “gotcha” that you might find catches you out when editing
If you have a desktop Mac (or use a full-sized keyboard with your portable
Mac), you might use the PAGE UP / PAGE DOWN keys to quickly navigate in docu-
ments. However, you might also be aware of an issue: although the text moves
up and down, the cursor stays where it was last used. When you start typing,
the document immediately scrolls back to its previous position. Grrr!
Luckily, there's a way around it. Hold OPTION while hitting the PAGEUP / PAGEDOWN
keys. This will cause the text to scroll up or down a page and cause the cursor
to jump to the middle of each page. You can then move it to where you'd like
to start editing.
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