Information Technology Reference
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earlier. The download will again resume from where it left off and in all likeli-
hood with a better transfer speed.
Don't close the Terminal window while the download is in progress. The best
plan is to minimize the Terminal window until the download has finished.
Tip 174
Hide a File from Spotlight
You might already know that by opening System Preferences (Apple→System
Preferences), clicking the Spotlight tab, and selecting Privacy, you can choose
to “hide” folders from Spotlight, which will stop any files within them from
appearing in the list of results. Just drag and drop the folders onto the
Spotlight window.
What isn't obvious is that you can drag and drop single files onto this window
to hide them from Spotlight's list of results. While this isn't an infallible way
of stopping others from finding private files (they can simply repeat what
you've done and see the listing in System Preferences), it's enough to stop
you from being pestered in Spotlight results by files that you've archived and
want to forget about.
Tip 175
Create Groups of Contacts
The Contacts app lets you create groups, which are logical collections of
people whose entries within your address book have things in common. For
example, you could create a group for people employed by a particular com-
pany. You could even create a group for a certain set of your friends. Clicking
the group's entry within the groups listing (click View→Groups) will then
show only the people in that group.
Smart Groups take groups one step further by automatically detecting and
adding people who fulfill certain criteria. To create a smart group, click File
→New Smart Group. Then in the text field alongside the Card and Contains
drop-down lists, enter some text that you know will be somewhere within the
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