Graphics Programs Reference
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The content-aware algorithm makes up new pixels based on those
surrounding the wires.
Spot healing works best on small spots or thin lines.
3. Increase the zoom magnification by pressing Cmd+= if the wires are
too small for you to trace by hand. Select the Rotate View tool (under
the Hand tool in the toolbox) and drag to rotate the view to match
the natural arc of your hand's motion (see Figure 13.4). This will
make it easier to trace thin lines.
FIGURe 13.4 Rotating the view can make tracing lines more comfortable.
4. Press J to continue using the Spot Healing Brush tool. Remove all the
dark wires using this technique. Do not attempt to spot-heal the tele-
phone box marked 1892; you would end up with a blurry smudge if you
did because the box is too big. Figure 13.5 shows the wires removed.
When spot healing,
use the smallest
brush possible for
the best result.
5. Select the Patch tool and select Content-Aware from the Patch drop-
down on the options bar. Lasso a loop around the telephone box.
Position the cursor inside the lassoed area and drag upward to the point
indicated in Figure 13.6. As you drag, the contents of the lasso change.
Release the cursor when you have found a good replacement patch.
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