Graphics Programs Reference
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5. Switch to Bridge by pressing Cmd+Tab on the Mac and Alt+Tab on
Windows. Right-click 7D-9239.jpg , and choose Open In Camera Raw.
6. Select the Targeted Adjustment tool, open its flyout menu, and
choose Saturation. Position the cursor over the sky and drag to the
right to increase blue saturation. Watch the slider move as you drag
and stop dragging when it gets to +77 (see Figure 12.20).
FIGURe 12.20 Making a targeted adjustment to increase blue saturation
in the sky
7. Select the Graduated Filter tool in the Camera Raw dialog box. Drag
from the top middle of the image, hold down Shift to constrain verti-
cally, and continue dragging to the horizon. Drag the Exposure slider
to -0.70 to darken the sky. The darkness gradually fades away toward
the horizon. Repeatedly press P to toggle the effect on and off and
back on again (see Figure 12.21).
8. Click the New radio button in the Graduated Filter parameters. Drag
the Exposure slider back to 0, and drag the Clarity slider to +100.
Drag from the middle of the image, hold Shift, and stop at the bot-
tom. Now objects at and below the horizon have fading levels of clar-
ity to compensate for naturally diminishing clarity with distance; this
brings more of the landscape into sharp focus (see Figure 12.22).
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