Graphics Programs Reference
In-Depth Information
Advanced Parameters
ACR has numerous tabs that contain advanced parameters. In the process of devel-
oping photos in the following steps, you will explore the Tone Curve, Detail, HSL/
Grayscale, Lens Correction, and Camera Calibration tabs.
1. Switch to Bridge by pressing Cmd+Tab on the Mac and Alt+Tab on
Windows. Right-click 7D-7591.jpg , and choose Open In Camera Raw.
Figure 12.9 shows the file opened in the ACR interface.
FIGURe 12.9 Opening a JPEG file in Adobe Camera Raw
2. You should always start with basic adjustments. On the Basic tab,
click the Auto button to have ACR calculate values for the Exposure
through Blacks sliders. The tonal range isn't being fully realized, so
drag the Blacks slider to -45. Drag Clarity to +100 and Vibrance to
+57 to give the image some tropical punch (the shot was taken in
Mexico). Figure 12.10 shows the results.
3. Switch to the Tone Curve tab. The interface is similar to the Curves
adjustment; here you can affect specific regions within the tonal
range by adjusting the sliders (see Figure 12.11). Boost the highlights
by dragging the Highlights slider to +33. Press P to toggle off the
preview for this tab. Press P again to toggle it back on so you can see
the effect of boosting the highlights.
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