Graphics Programs Reference
In-Depth Information
On the other hand, Photoshop does an excellent job of reducing images. In
the following steps you will reduce the pixel dimensions of a large image by
resampling it.
1. Open the sample file Cabin.jpg .
additional resam-
pling algorithms
include nearest
neighbor (for hard
Smoother (for
2. Choose Image a Image Size. Right now the image measures
18.72 n 12.48 inches with a resolution of 300 pixels/inch. Select
Resample Image and observe that the pixel dimension text boxes
become enabled. Select the Bicubic Sharper (Best For Reduction)
algorithm from the drop-down menu if it is not already selected.
3. Although you could directly change the pixel dimensions, in this case
you will adjust the document width in order to fit the photo on letter-
sized paper. Change the document width value to 10 inches. Observe
that both the document height and pixel dimensions change at the
same time while the resolution remains constant (see Figure 3.29).
Check the Scale
Styles box to
ensure that any
Layer Styles in the
file are scaled in
FIGURe 3.29 Resampling an image to fit on smaller
This image can now print in high quality at 106.66 inches with a resolution
of 300 pixels/inch. By resampling the image, you reduced the file that would be
sent to printer from 60 MB down to 17 MB so it will print that much faster and
take up less than a third of the storage space.
Changing the Canvas size and trimming
Using the analogy of fine art painting, the document window is sometimes
referred to as the canvas . A painter would never change their canvas size after
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