Digital Signal Processing Reference
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between the signals, while zero correlation coefficient signifies that the two signals
are not at all similar. A negative number indicates a negative correlation, meaning
that one signal tends to decrease as the other increases.
Correlation between two different sequences is the cross-correlation and cor-
relation between two identical sequences is the auto-correlation. Correlation can
be viewed as convolution, by reversing one signal. Instead of considering signal
y[k] being indexed from 0 to some positive limit K, we will fold it around the
0th sample, and consider that it starts at
K. For example, if y[n]
we interpret this as y[0]
5; y[1]
3; y[2]
1, and y[3]
6. If we fold this
signal around, we would have y[
6, y[
1, y[
3, and y[0]
When we convolve y with x, we would sum x [ n ]
y [ n
k ]. Using the folded ver-
sion of y, the only thing to change is the index, e.g., x [ n ]
y [ n
x [ n ]
k ].
As the number of data samples affects the cross-correlation measure, so the cross-
correlation value must be divided by the number of data samples.
y [ n
S xy [ k ]
x [ n ] y [ n
k ]
The function below finds the cross-correlation between two signals. The total
program is given in .
% Measure of similarity between two signals.
% Usage: [rho] = correlate_apu(k, x, y);
% inputs: k = shift (integer between 0 and length(y)-1)
%x,y = the signals to correlate
% output: rho = the correlation coefficient -1..0..1
% Note: This function assumes length(x) = length(y).
% Apurba Das, CDAC Kolkata
function [rho] = correlate_apu(k, x, orig_y)
% Shift y by k units
y = [orig_y(k+1:length(orig_y)), orig_y(1:k)];
N = length(x);
sxx = x x. - sum(x) sum(x)/N;
syy = y y. - sum(y) sum(y)/N;
sxy = x y. - sum(x) sum(y)/N;
rho = sxy / sqrt(sxx syy);
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