Agriculture Reference
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or mycotoxins may be reduced with certain
inl uence on the composition and quality of
food of animal origin. Special attention has
been paid to modify the fatty acid pattern in
GM plants (e.g. more oleic acid instead of
linoleic and linolenic acids in oilseeds; Brown
et al ., 1999) or to produce 'unusual' fatty
acids in transgenic plants (Cahoon et al .,
2007). Genetic modii cation has facilitated
the generation of oilseeds synthesizing non-
native fatty acids. Napier (2007) dif eren-
tiates between two particular classes of fatty
1. Industrial fatty acids, which may contain
functional groups such as hydroxyl, epoxy or
acetylenic bonds.
2. Very long-chain polyunsaturated fatty
acids normally found in i sh oils and marine
Industrial fats are not used in animal
nutrition, but fats with long-chain poly-
unsaturated fatty acids may inl uence the
composition of body fat after feeding (see
Section 10.3.2).
of traditional plant breeding was the
increase of lysine in maize. Even in the
1960s, information about a mutant gene
that changed protein fractions and increased
the lysine content of maize endosperm was
being reported (Mertz et al ., 1964; Nelson et
al ., 1965; Wolf et al ., 1967). Later, high-
lysine mutants were known as Opaque-2
and Floury-2 (Sodek and Wilson, 1971;
Christianson et al ., 1974). Later still,
cultivation stopped because of some
disadvantages, such as more sensitivity to
some diseases, problems during harvest and
storage, as well as lower yields (Hof mann et
al ., 1985).
Modern biotechnology also deals with
this topic and provides alternatives to direct
amino acid supplementation in diets. h e
development of lysine maize (see Chapter 7,
Table 7.4) was a step in the direction of
improved broiler feeding. Lucas et al . (2007)
used high portions of lysine maize (LY038
and LY038  MON810) in broiler diets
(59.2% in starter, 66.1% in grower/i nisher
diets). h ey compared these (see Table 7.4
for composition) with unsupplemented and
lysine-supplemented control maize and i ve
commercial varieties (unsupplemented and
lysine supplemented). Carcass characteristics
and body composition were not signii cantly
dif erent between the lysine maize and the
lysine-supplemented control maize, but the
unsupplemented control chicks showed
lower body weights (Table 10.12). h is
means that the bioei cacy of the incremental
lysine in LY038 and LY038  MON810 grain
was no dif erent from that of lysine in
conventional maize diets supplemented
with L-Lys HCl.
10.3.1 Increased content of amino acids
Some feeds are characteristically dei cient in
important essential amino acids such as
lysine, methionine, threonine and/or
trypto phane. h e i rst limiting amino acid in
maize is lysine, and this requires combination
with feeds rich in lysine and/or lysine
supplementation for optimal performance
and carcass characteristics of birds and pigs
(NRC, 1994, 1998; GfE, 1999, 2008; Corzo
et al ., 2006). h erefore, one of the objectives
Table 10.12. Carcass characteristics of broilers fed with control maize, lysine-supplemented control
maize and lysine maize. (From Lucas et al ., 2007.)
Control + lysine
LY038 MON810
Chilled weight (g)
Breast weight (g)
Breast meat composition:
Moisture (%)
Protein (%, as-is basis)
Fat (%, as-is basis)
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