Databases Reference
In-Depth Information
Scripter scripter = new Scripter();
string fileName = “..\\..\\scriptDB.xml”;
//Create an XML text writer, which will be used to script the command.
System.Xml.XmlTextWriter writer =
new System.Xml.XmlTextWriter(fileName,Encoding.UTF8);
//Create an array of major objects. In this example, the array contains
//just one element.
MajorObject[] objects = new MajorObject [] { db };
//Script the Alter command.
scripter.ScriptAlter(objects, writer, false);
//Close the XML writer.
To simplify the scripting of objects even further, especially in cases where you have a
single object to script or need to script processing operations and batches of the
commands, the Scripter object has a number of static methods you can use:
. WriteStartBatch —Generates a <Batch> element for the DDL Batch command. For
more information about the Batch command, see Chapter 26.
. WriteEndBatch —Generates a closing </Batch> element for the Batch command.
. WriteStartParallel —Generates a <Parallel> element, which you can use inside
the Batch command to execute inner commands in parallel.
. WriteEndParallel —Generates a closing </Parallel> element.
. WriteCreate —Generates a DDL Create command.
. WriteAlter —Generates a DDL Alter command.
. WriteDelete —Generates a DDL Delete command.
. WriteProcess —Generates a DDL Process command.
For example, you can use the WriteStartBatch command to generate an opening XML
element Batch , and then use WriteProcess in a loop to generate Process commands to
process all databases or all the partitions in a measure group. Then, you close the Batch
command with WriteEndBatch method, as shown in Listing 34.13.
Scripting a Batch Operation Containing Multiple Processing Operations
//Create a Server object.
using (Server srv = new Server())
//Connect to the server.
Scripter scripter = new Scripter();
string fileName = “..\\..\\scriptDBBatch.xml”;
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