Databases Reference
In-Depth Information
Data Source View
Sales Measure
SQL Server
SQL Server
Sales 1997 Table
Sales 1997 Table
Partition Sales 1997
Server=mysqlserver;database=Foodmart 2008;
The partition is bound to a relational table through a DSV table.
Tabular Bindings
Tabular binding defines the mapping between a multidimensional object and a relational
table. Typically, you use tabular bindings to map a partition to a relational source of data.
Analysis Services supports two types of tabular bindings: DsvTableBinding maps an object
to a DSV table, and TableBinding maps a multidimensional object directly to a table in
the relational database.
DsvTableBinding has two properties: DataSourceViewID and TableID , which allow
Analysis Services to map partition to a table. Figure 18.2 shows how Analysis Services can
locate a relational table (source of data to be loaded into the partition).
Analysis Services uses DsvTableBinding associated with a partition. Using the
DataSourceViewID property, Analysis Services locates the corresponding DataSourceView
object; and using a TableID property, it finds the corresponding DSV table. Then, the table
is used to determine columns and joins for SQL query generation. Because each DSV (or
even each table in a DSV) has a DataSource associated with it, Analysis Services uses the
DataSourceID property to find the corresponding DataSource object and uses it to estab-
lish a connection to the relational source of data.
Listing 18.6 shows the DDL definition of binding a partition to a DSV table.
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