Databases Reference
In-Depth Information
<Invocation> Interactive </Invocation>
<Default> true </Default>
<MaximumRows> 15 </MaximumRows>
<Column xsi:type=”CubeAttributeBinding”>
<CubeID> FoodMart2008 </CubeID>
<CubeDimensionID> Store </CubeDimensionID>
<AttributeID> Store </AttributeID>
<Type> All </Type>
<Ordinal> 0 </Ordinal>
<Column xsi:type=”MeasureBinding”>
<MeasureID> Units Shipped </MeasureID>
<Column xsi:type=”CubeAttributeBinding”>
<CubeID> FoodMart2008 </CubeID>
<CubeDimensionID> Product </CubeDimensionID>
<AttributeID> Product </AttributeID>
<Type> All </Type>
<Ordinal> 0 </Ordinal>
A client application doesn't need to generate a DRILLTHROUGH statement to take advantage
of drillthrough functionality. Even a generic client application that doesn't have informa-
tion about the data stored in the cube can use drillthrough if the cube designer created
Drillthrough actions in the cube. A client application can query MDSCHEMA_ACTIONS to
retrieve a string containing an already-generated statement. For more information about
using MDSCHEMA_ACTIONS , refer to the “Discovering Actions” section earlier in this chapter.
You can also use the cube browser to test your Drillthrough action by clicking the cell
and then right-clicking the cell value.
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