Travel Reference
In-Depth Information
DAY 16
The Mission Corridor to Xilítla
What a day!! It's amazing what a traveler can accomplish in a day, starting early, and using
Mexico's efficient bus system and economical taxis.
Father Junípero Serra is esteemed as the Father of California Missions, but he's also ven-
erated in Mexico as the founder of the Sierra Gorda Missions: Concá, Jalpan, Landa de
Matamoros, Tilaco and Tancoyol.
Following the arrival of Father Junípero Serra in 1750 in the Sierra Gorda of Central Mex-
ico, five Baroque missions were built using indigenous artists and stonemasons. Each mis-
sion façade is a masterpiece and listed as a UNESCO World Heritage Site. Each is unique
and reflects the fusion of indigenous and Spanish cultures. The missions are remote. Paved
roads to all five were not constructed until 1963.
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