Travel Reference
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Founders Square is a twenty-minute stroll and the center plaza about thirty minutes.
You'll find superior restaurants everywhere. For me, it's not the food; the ambiance and
music bring me back. Mariachis play at Mi Cocula, and pianists add a soft romantic flavor
to Gran Via, Las Flores and La Virreyna restaurants. At El Posole, it's the diners' chat-
ter that is the music. And you'll learn Spanish; there is no noticeable expat community in
San Luís Potosí. You can't even buy the English language Mexican edition of the Herald
newspaper in San Luís Potosi.
I looked forward to continuing Bus Journey Across Mexico, Stage Two, San Luís Potosí to
Puebla. Puebla was south, but I wanted to see the Huesteca, missions and mines. I would
take the bus east to Río Verde. But I got sidetracked. I headed to San Miguel for the sum-
mer to attend Spanish language school.
Expenses: Hotel Real Plaza $48, bus $11, taxi $3, meals $16. Total $78.
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