Agriculture Reference
In-Depth Information
ingestion question
harvard school of public health:
“eating a plant-based diet is healthiest.”*
really, though, what can meat, eggs, and dairy do to me?
chickens are the most common cause of food poisoning
in the home, sickening millions annually. more than 90%
of chicken carcass pieces tested at retail are contaminated
with e. coli and campylobacter from fecal matter. one bout
of campylobacter can lead to lifelong irritable bowel
the mercury exposure of eating a single daily serving of
tuna is the equivalent to having 49 mercury-containing
amalgam fillings in your mouth.f
mad cow disease (bovine spongiform encephalopathy)
can cause an invariably fatal disease decades after eating
beef. the pathogens can't be cooked out, even surviving
incineration at temperatures hot enough to melt lead.
the leading cause of seizures in the world is the brain
parasite taenia solium , a tapeworm found in pork.
salmonella -infected eggs cause a foodborne epidemic
every year in the united states, sickening more than
100,000 annually. one bout of salmonella can leave a
lifetime of chronic arthritis. and eating just one egg a day
was linked to significantly higher all-cause mortality in the
harvard physicians' health study (studying about 20,000
physicians for 20 years), compared with eating oatmeal
each morning, which may extend life.
consumption of dairy products has been so strongly
linked to acne that the international academy of
cosmetic dermatology published a commentary in its
journal clinics in dermatology calling for a “no dairy diet.”
dairy has also been recently linked to twice the risk of
heart disease in the harvard nurses' health study, triple
the risk of colorectal cancer, and more testicular cancer,
prostate cancer, and parkinson's disease.
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