HTML and CSS Reference
In-Depth Information
Applying the Template to the App
Before you use a template, you must ensure that the WinJS.UI.processAll method has been
called. This method processes the HTML document, looking for elements that have the data-
win-control attribute and configuring their capabilities. This includes finding and processing
Listing 2-14 shows the changes to the performInitialSetup function defined in the
default.js file where I added the call to the displayListItems and setupListEvents func-
tions after the call to WinJS.UI.processAll (and where I removed the code for the previous
example from the performInitialSetup function).
Listing 2-14. Ensuring That Elements Are Processed Before Using a Template
function performInitialSetup(e) {
WinJS.UI.processAll().then(function () {
he processAll method does its work in the background, allowing the JavaScript state-
ments that follow a call to processAll to be executed at the same time. Using background tasks
is a good idea, but since my displayListItems function relies on the winControl property that
is created by processAll , I need to make sure that the background task has been completed
before I use my template.
Understanding Promises
Metro apps rely on the JavaScript Promise pattern to represent background tasks. The result
from the processAll method is a WinJS.Promise object, which is the Metro implementation of
the JavaScript Promise pattern.
To use the Promise object, I call the then method on the object, passing in a function that
will be executed when the task has completed. In my example, this function makes the calls to
the UI.List namespace that depend on the processAll method having completed its work.
he then method takes optional second and third arguments that define functions that will
be executed if there is an error and that will receive process information, but for this topic I just
assume that all background tasks complete properly. I recommend you take the time to handle
any errors properly in your own projects.
This is the most basic and common use of a JavaScript promise. Take a look at the API
definition for the WinJS.Promise object to learn about the other capabilities available. Be careful,
though; JavaScript promises are a simplified representation of some complex parallel program-
ming concepts, and you can get into a lot of trouble using them if you are not careful. Part of
the problem is that JavaScript supports background tasks but doesn't provide the mechanisms
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