Biology Reference
In-Depth Information
￿ Transfer 20 mL of the culture broth (OD 600
0.5) onto the middle of the
filter using a pipette. Try to load the filter evenly with cells and ensure that
the filter never runs dry during loading.
￿ Wash the recovered cells with a fourfold diluted salt's medium containing
1gL 1 U- 13 C glucose—the diluted medium reduces the contamination of
the internal standard with salts.
￿ Transfer the cell-loaded filters very quickly to the glass bottles with hot
ethanol using a pair of tweezers.
￿ Incubate 3 min at 78 C.
￿ Transfer the extract to a pre-cooled centrifuge tube on ice.
￿ Separate cell debris and nitrocellulose from metabolite extract by
centrifugation at 12,000
4 C.
g for 10 min at
20 C.
￿ Repeat four times until the whole culture has been harvested (optional:
washing a fraction without carbon source will increase some low abundant
metabolites like cyclic AMP or phosphoenolpyruvate).
￿ Vacuum dry the extract and re-suspend in 1 mL water.
￿ Pool all cell extracts and remove proteins by ultra-filtration.
3. Spiking with U- 13 C-labelled standards and evaluation of results
￿ Add 100
￿ Store supernatant at
LofU- 13 C-labelled internal standard to the extraction solution.
Internal standard and sample are added at the same time to the extraction solution
(see Section 4 ).
￿ Calculate the ratio
; i of the signal of unlabelled metabolite i and the signal of the
corresponding U- 13 C-labelled metabolite by mass spectrometry. This ratio equals
the moles of metabolite extracted from the cells
n cell
and moles of
U- 13 C-labelled metabolite from the internal standard
n IS
c cel i V cell
c I i V IS
where V cell is the intracellular volume of the extracted biomass and V IS is the volume
of internal standard added during extraction (here 100
n cell
n IS i ¼
; i ¼
L). In order to calculate the
intracellular metabolite concentration c cell
from this ratio, the concentration of the
c IS
internal standard
is determined with a metabolite standard mixture, which is
prepared by dissolving the pure chemicals separately.
4. Metabolite standard mixture
￿ Prepare stock solutions of the pure metabolites separately, if possible, at a
concentration of 100 mM in water. For acids, neutralize the pH with ammonium.
To this end, weigh the pure compounds into a 1.5-mL Eppendorf-type tube using
an analytical balance. Use the calculated amount just as a reference and record the
exact amount. Then, calculate the final volume based on this amount and add
water or buffer accordingly.
￿ Mix single compound standards such that every compound has a concentration
of 100
mol L 1 in the final volume. Add 10 mM ammonium acetate pH 7.2 and
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