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How to do it...
The implementation of our intrusive smart pointer class is as follows:
template <class T> class clPtr
clPtr(): FObject( 0 ) {}
clPtr( const clPtr& Ptr ): FObject( Ptr.FObject )
Here, we call a helper to do the atomic increment of an intrusive counter. This allows
us to use this smart pointer with incomplete types:
LPtr::IncRef( FObject );
template <typename U>
clPtr( const clPtr<U>& Ptr ): FObject( Ptr.GetInternalPtr() )
LPtr::IncRef( FObject );
The same trick is applied to the atomic decrement operation:
LPtr::DecRef( FObject );
We need a constructor for an implicit type conversion from T* :
clPtr( T* const Object ): FObject( Object )
LPtr::IncRef( FObject );
We also need an assignment operator:
clPtr& operator = ( const clPtr& Ptr )
T* Temp = FObject;
FObject = Ptr.FObject;
LPtr::IncRef( Ptr.FObject );
LPtr::DecRef( Temp );
return *this;
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