Game Development Reference
In-Depth Information
Getting ready
Build and run the example 5_Puzzle from the supplementary materials. This example,
like others in this topic, runs on Android as well as on Windows.
How to do it…
We start by augmenting our 3_UIPrototype project with a new page, clPage_
Gallery . This page delegates rendering and updating to the global g_Flow object:
class clPage_Gallery: public clGUIPage
virtual void Render()
RenderDirect( g_Flow );
virtual void Update(float DT)
void RenderDirect( clPtr<clFlowUI> Control );
The RenderDirect() method is essentially a slightly modiied version of
RenderDirect() from the Implementing the animated 3D image selector recipe
in this chapter. There are only two differences—we replace wireframe quad rendering
with the clCanvas::Rect3D() call (to render a textured 3D rectangle) and use
textures from the g_Gallery object, described recently in this chapter in the Image
gallery with Picasa downloader recipe:
void RenderDirect( clPtr<clFlowUI> Control );
The rendering order is left to right, to prevent incorrect overlapping of images:
int ImgOrder[] = { CurImg - 3, CurImg - 2, CurImg - 1,
CurImg + 3, CurImg + 2, CurImg + 1, CurImg };
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