Game Development Reference
In-Depth Information
Finally, each tile is rendered with the DrawTile() method call:
for ( int i = 0; i != g->FColumns; i++ )
for ( int j = 0; j != g->FRows; j++ )
DrawTile( g, i, j, Color );
The DrawTile() method calculates the coordinates of the tile in normalized screen
coordinates (0...1) and uses a rectangular vertex array and the g_Canvas object to render
the Tile instance:
void DrawTile( clPuzzle* g, int i, int j, const vec4& Color )
if ( i < 0 || j < 0 || i >= g->FColumns || j >= g->FRows )
{ return; }
clTile* Tile = g->GetTile( i, j );
Tile->SetTarget( i, j );
float X = Tile->FCur.x;
float Y = Tile->FCur.y;
float TW = 1.0f / g->FColumns;
float TH = 1.0f / g->FRows;
vec4 TilePosition(
TW * ( X + 0 ), TH * ( Y + 0 ),
TW * ( X + 1 ), TH * ( Y + 1 ) );
TilePosition, 1.0f, 1.0f, g_Texture,
Effect, Color, VA, Tile->GetRect() );
In the next recipes, we combine this simple gameplay with an animated image selector and
the Picasa images downloader to create a more feature-rich puzzle game.
Implementing the animated 3D image
The main UI element of our puzzle game is the animated 3D image selector. In this recipe,
we show you how to render the animated carousel-like selector and interact with the user.
Getting ready
Before proceeding with this recipe, you may need to go back to Chapter 7 , Cross-platform
UI and Input System , and read how the Canvas class works. A bit of mathematics will be
required to understand better how the code in this recipe works.
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