Game Development Reference
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The CheckStatus() function performs error checks and logs a speciied error message
on failure:
if ( !CheckStatus( Shader, GL_COMPILE_STATUS,
"Failed to compile shader:" ) )
LGL3->glDeleteShader( Shader );
return OldShaderID;
if ( OldShaderID ) LGL3->glDeleteShader( OldShaderID );
return Shader;
OldShaderID retains the previous compiled shader. It is used to allow the editing of shaders
on-the-ly on a PC and prevents loading of invalid shaders. After the vertex and fragment
shaders have compiled, a shader program should be linked:
bool clGLSLShaderProgram::RelinkShaderProgram()
GLuint ProgramID = LGL3->glCreateProgram();
FVertexShaderID = AttachShaderID( GL_VERTEX_SHADER,
FVertexShader, FVertexShaderID );
if ( FVertexShaderID ) LGL3->glAttachShader( ProgramID,
FVertexShaderID );
FFragmentShaderID = AttachShaderID( GL_FRAGMENT_SHADER,
FFragmentShader, FFragmentShaderID );
if ( FFragmentShaderID ) LGL3->glAttachShader( ProgramID,
FFragmentShaderID );
BindDefaultLocations( ProgramID );
LGL3->glLinkProgram( ProgramID );
The same should also be done to the shader program. Replace the old program only if the
program was linked successfully:
if ( !CheckStatus( ProgramID, GL_LINK_STATUS,
"Failed to link program\n" ) )
LOGI( "Error during shader program relinking\n" );
return false;
LGL3->glDeleteProgram( FProgramID );
FProgramID = ProgramID;
return true;
We have to bind the default locations of different attributes that we will use throughout
our renderer:
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