Game Development Reference
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14. Check if such a ile exists in the archive:
bool FileExists( const std::string& FileName ) const
{ return ( GetFileIdx( FileName ) > -1 ); }
15. The following code is the sFileInfo structure mentioned in the preceding point,
that deines where a ile is located inside a .zip archive:
struct sFileInfo
16. First, we need an offset to the ile data inside the archive:
uint64 FOffset;
17. Then we need a size of the uncompressed ile:
uint64 FSize;
18. And a size of the compressed ile, to let the zlib library know when to stop decoding:
uint64 FCompressedSize;
19. Don't forget a pointer to the compressed data itself:
void* FSourceData;
We do not provide the complete source for the ArchiveReader class, however, do
encourage you to look into the accompanying source code. The second essential function,
the ExtractSingleFile() , is presented in the following recipe.
How it works...
We use the ArchiveReader class to write the ArchiveMountPoint that provides
seamless access to the contents of a .zip ile:
class ArchiveMountPoint: public iMountPoint
ArchiveMountPoint( const clPtr<ArchiveReader>& R );
Create a reader interface to access the content of the archive:
virtual clPtr<iRawFile> CreateReader(
const std::string& VirtualName ) const
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