Game Development Reference
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virtual std::string GetFileName() const { return FFileName; }
virtual uint64 GetFilePos() const { return FPosition; }
virtual void Seek( const uint64 Position )
#ifdef _WIN32
SetFilePointerEx( FMapFile,
*reinterpret_cast<const LARGE_INTEGER*>( &Position ),
if ( FMapFile != -1 )
{ lseek( FMapFile, Position, SEEK_SET ); }
FPosition = Position;
However, things may get more complex if you decide to support
more operating systems. It can be a good refactoring exercise.
virtual uint64 Write( const void* Buf, const uint64 Size )
#ifdef _WIN32
DWORD written;
WriteFile( FMapFile, Buf, DWORD( Size ),
&written, NULL );
if ( FMapFile != -1 ) { write( FMapFile, Buf, Size ); }
FPosition += Size;
return Size;
std::string FFileName;
#ifdef _WIN32
int FMapFile;
uint64 FPosition;
How it works…
Now we can also present an implementation of the iOStream that stores everything in a
memory block. To store arbitrary data in a memory block, we declare the Blob class, as
shown in the following code:
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