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Substituting for pDα/Dt in (2.41) and using c p =
1004 J
kg 1 K 1 ) is the specific heat at constant pressure, we can rewrite the first law of
thermodynamics as
c v +
R, where c p (
c p DT
α Dp
Dt =
Dividing through by T and again using the equation of state, we obtain the entropy
form of the first law of thermodynamics:
D ln T
R D ln p
c p
Equation (2.43) gives the rate of change of entropy per unit mass following the
motion for a thermodynamically reversible process. A reversible process is one in
which a system changes its thermodynamic state and then returns to the original
state without changing its surroundings. For such a process the entropy s defined
by (2.43) is a field variable that depends only on the state of the fluid. Thus Ds is
a perfect differential, and Ds/Dt is to be regarded as a total derivative. However,
“heat” is not a field variable, so that the heating rate J is not a total derivative. 2
Potential Temperature
For an ideal gas undergoing an adiabatic process (i.e., a reversible process in which
no heat is exchanged with the surroundings), the first law of thermodynamics can
be written in differential form as
D c p ln T
R ln p =
c p D ln T
RD ln p
Integrating this expression from a state at pressure p and temperature T to a state
in which the pressure is p s and the temperature is θ , we obtain after taking the
T (p s /p) R/c p
This relationship is referred to as Poisson's equation, and the temperature θ defined
by (2.44) is called the potential temperature . θ is simply the temperature that a
parcel of dry air at pressure p and temperature T would have if it were expanded or
compressed adiabatically to a standard pressure p s (usually taken to be 1000 hPa).
Thus, every air parcel has a unique value of potential temperature, and this value
is conserved for dry adiabatic motion. Because synoptic scale motions are approx-
imately adiabatic outside regions of active precipitation, θ is a quasi-conserved
quantity for such motions.
2 For a discussion of entropy and its role in the second law of thermodynamics, see Curry and
Webster (1999), for example.
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