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interval is divided into J subintervals of length δx, then ψ(x) can be approxi-
mated by a set of J
1 values as j
ψ(jδx), which are the values of the field
at the J
L/J .
Provided that δx is sufficiently small compared to the scale on which ψ varies,
the J
1 grid points given by x
0, 1, 2,...,J, where δx
1 grid point values should provide good approximations to ψ(x) and its
The limits of accuracy of a finite difference representation of a continuous vari-
able can be assessed by noting that the field can also be approximated by a finite
Fourier series expansion:
a m cos 2πmx
a 0
2 +
ψ (x)
b m sin
coefficients in (13.1). That is, it is possible to determine a 0 plus a m and b m for
wave numbers m
The available J
1 values of j are just sufficient to determine the J
1, 2, 3, ..., J/2. The shortest wavelength component in
(13.1) has wavelength L/m
2δx. Thus, the shortest wave that can be
resolved by finite differencing has a wavelength twice that of the grid increment.
Accurate representation of derivatives is only possible, however, for wavelengths
much greater than 2δx.
We now consider how the grid point variable j can be used to construct a finite
difference approximation to a differential equation. That is, we wish to represent
derivatives such as dψ/dx and d 2 ψ/dx 2 in terms of the finite difference fields.
We first consider the Taylor series expansions about the point x 0 :
O (δx) 4
ψ (x 0 ) (δx) 2
ψ (x 0 ) (δx) 3
ψ (x 0 ) δx
ψ (x 0 +
ψ (x 0 )
O (δx) 4
where the primes indicate differentiation with respect to x and O[(δx) 4 ] means
that terms with order of magnitude (δx) 4 or less are neglected.
Subtracting (13.3) from (13.2) and solving for ψ
ψ (x 0 ) (δx) 2
ψ (x 0 ) (δx) 3
ψ (x 0 ) δx
ψ (x 0
ψ (x 0 )
(x) give a finite difference
expression for the first derivative of the form
O (δx) 2
ψ (x 0 )
[ψ (x 0 +
ψ (x 0
δx)] / (2δx)
while adding the same two expressions and solving for ψ (x) give a finite differ-
ence expression for the second derivative of the form
O (δx) 2 (13.5)
ψ (x 0 )
δx)] / (δx) 2
[ψ (x 0 +
2ψ (x 0 )
ψ (x 0
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