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The outcome of this ANCOVA leads the researchers to very different
conclusions than the outcome of the ANOVA we performed earlier. Based
on the ANOVA it would be concluded that the training programs did not
result in different levels of performance on the math word problem test.
The ANCOVA overrules that conclusion; by statistically controlling for
verbal ability, we find that there is some difference between the training
programs that is statistically significant.
The top portion of Figure 16.18 presents the adjusted (estimated
marginal) means for the three groups. Because these are predicted values,
the most appropriate indication of their stability is the standard error
associated with these predictions. In reporting these means, we report
the standard errors rather than the standard deviations. Note that these
predicted (adjusted) group means are different than the observed means
shown in Figure 16.16. The F ratio for the group effect evaluated the
differences of these adjusted means.
The bottom portion of Figure 16.18 provides the results of the pairwise
comparisons of the adjusted means. Based on these results, it appears that
Group 1 (Traditional) performed significantly lower on the math test than
Groups 2 (Freeform) and 3 (Software) when verbal ability was controlled;
these latter two groups appeared to perform comparably.
The data file that we use to perform our ANCOVA in SAS Enterprise Guide
is identical to what we used in SPSS. It is shown in Figure 16.19 in an Excel
file just prior to being imported into SAS.
We first perform an ANOVA without taking the covariate into con-
sideration. From the main menu select Analyze ANOVA Linear
Models. As shown in Figure 16.20, specify math_dv as the Dependent
variable and group as the Classification variable.
Select Model in the navigation panel on the far left of the screen.
Highlight group and click the Main pushbutton in the middle of the
window. This action will place group into the Effects panel as shown in
Figure 16.21.
Select Model Options in the navigation panel. Select only Type III as
shown in Figure 16.22.
We also wish to obtain the observed means for the groups. This can
be accomplished by selecting the Arithmetic portion of the Post Hoc
Tests window in the navigation panel shown in Figure 16.23. Click Add
to show the effects in the model and to display the panels in the Options
for means tests. Under Class effects to use (the first panel on the right
portion of the window), set the group effect to True (itisinitiallysetto
False - double-clicking it displays the True /Fa l s e menu from which you
select True ). Click Run to perform the analysis.
The output of the ANOVA is shown in Figure 16.24. This matches the
results produced by SPSS.
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