Information Technology Reference
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To illustrate how to read the data file (or construct one), consider the
participant coded as subid 1. That person's information occupies Rows
2 through 6 in the Excel file shown in Figure 10.18. He or she showed
symptom intensities of twelve in the first pretest, twelve in the second
pretest, seven in the first posttest, five in the second posttest, and five in
the last posttest. The next five rows represent the same information in
the same order for the second participant. Each participant's information
is recorded in the same way throughout the data file. More information
on data file structure may be found in Davis (2007) and Slaughter and
Delwiche (2006).
Import your data file from Excel into a new SAS Enterprise Guide project.
From the main menu, select Analyze ANOVA Mixed Models .The
window opens on the Task Roles tab as shown in Figure 10.19. From
the Variables to assign pane, select sympint and drag it to the icon for
Dependent variable in the Task roles panel. Select Time_Recode and
drag it over to the icon for Classification variables . Select subid and drag
itovertotheareaunder Classification variables .
Figure 10.19
The Task Roles window.
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