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We have added the simple
effects syntax to each of the
subcommands. Note that for
the second subcommand we
moved the *voter to the end
of the parentheses (by
highlighting and dragging) so
that we could more easily
read the means in the
output table.
Figure 9.13
The Syntax window with the simple effects analysis specified.
levels of politics (liberal, moderate, and conservative) for each combi-
nation of the other two independent variables specified in parentheses
following /EMMEANS
TABLES . That is, this comparison will be made
for voters with children in the home, nonvoters in the home, voters with
no children in the home, and nonvoters with no children in the home.
We therefore obtain a great deal of information with just four additional
words of syntax.
The second three-way interaction line will be used to perform pair-
wise comparisons on voter . To make the table containing the estimated
marginal means for this comparison consonant with the Pairwise Com-
parisons table, we will cut and paste (or highlight and drag)
voter from
its middle position in the parentheses on the /EMMEANS
command to last place in the parentheses. Then we add our simple effects
syntax compare (voter) adj (bonferroni) . This will compare the two lev-
els of voter (those who voted in the last election and those who did not)
for each combination of the other two independent variables specified
in parentheses. For example, the comparison will be made for liberals
with children in the home, conservatives with no children in the home,
and so on.
To run these post-ANOVA analyses, select Run
All from the main
menu. The analyses will be placed in an Output window for you to
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