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Figure 7.7
The Linear Models Task Roles window.
mean difference this large being found if the null hypothesis is true. The
value of .028 is less than our alpha value of .05, and so we judge that the
two groups differ significantly.
As we scan down the Sig. column, we note that all of the pairwise
comparisons are statistically significant except for the pairing of the six
month and eight month study groups, where we find a value of .992 for
the probability of that much of a difference occurring by chance alone,
assuming that the null hypothesis is true. This is, of course, what we
have already learned from the display of homogeneous subsets. These two
displays are just based on different formats and levels of detail to present
the same Tukey results, and students can work with whichever they are
more comfortable.
Import your data from Excel into a new project or open SAS Enterprise
Guide projectforChapter6.Wewillassumethatyoualreadyhavethe
descriptive statistics for the groups and so will deal directly with per-
forming the Tukey post hoc test. From the main menu select Analyze
Linear Models. On the Task Roles tab, specify satscore as
the Dependent variable and group as the Classification variable .Thisis
shown in Figure 7.7.
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