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Theresultwasadose-dependenttoxicityofAgNPsinzebraishembryos(Table 5 ).
also revealed abnormal body axes, twisted notochord and slow blood flow.
In addition to acute toxicity studies, other studies have been performed to inves-
tigate the health and environmental impacts of NPs, by studying the changes in
expression levels of stress-related genes. One such study was conducted on Japanese
as stress markers. The mRNA concentrations were measured in liver extracts. In
addition to cellular and DNA damage, AgNPs caused oxidative stress and carcino-
genicity(Table 5 )(Chaeetal. 2009 ). This study was extended to evaluate two addi-
tional biomarkers (metallothionein (MT), and glutathione S-transferase (GST)
gene) at an AgNP concentration of 1 ʼg/L in livers of exposed ish. The results
inlammatorystress(Phametal. 2012 ).
Fluorescent latex nanoparticles are absorbed into the chorion of see-through
medaka( Oryzias latipes )eggsandaccumulateinthegillsandintestine(Table 5 ).
( Oryzias latipes ). This study indicated that nanoparticles have the potential to pen-
etratetheblood-brainbarrier(Kashiwada 2006 ).
The toxicity of nanoparticles has been investigated in rats, mice and guinea pigs.
Roursguardetal.( 2008 )instilledfullerolNPs(doselevelspermouse:0.02,0.2,20
and 200 ʼg) and quartz (50 ʼg) intratracheally in mice and monitored responses
(Table 5 ). The result was a dose-dependent neutrophil-induced lung inflammation in
ticles; in fact, inflammation in the presence of nanoparticles was minimal.
HandyandShaw( 2007 ) performed respiratory studies in rats with carbon nano-
tubes(doses:0.1-12.5mg/kg),ultraineTiO 2 NPs(doses:0.5,2.0,10mg/L),ultra-
ine cadmium particles (70 ʼg/L), and metal oxide particles (1-5 mg) (Table 5 ).
Results indicated significant lung damage, inflammation and fibrotic responses
when exposed to intra-tracheal doses of above-mentioned NPs (Handy and Shaw
2007 ; Lam et al. 2004 ).
Intraperitoneal injection of polyalkyl sulphonated C 60 produced toxicity due to
accumulationofthenanoparticlesinliver,spleenandkidneyofrats(Chenetal. 1998 ).
Bullard-Dillard et al. ( 1996 ) studied the behavior and potential metabolism of
14 C-labelled C 60 in female Sprague-Dawley rats. 14 C 60 was cleared within 1 min
from blood and the majority of NPs were accumulated in the liver (90-95%).
Results of this study suggested that C 60 or its derivative may lead to long term
accumulationinliver(Table 5 ).
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