Environmental Engineering Reference
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a soccer ball and has 60 carbon atoms arranged as 12 pentagons and 20 hexagons.
Otherfullerenenanoparticlesalsoexist(e.g.,C 70 , C 74 , C 76 , C 78 , etc.). Fullerenes are
hydrophobic and have application as organic photovoltaics, antioxidants, catalysts,
and pharmaceutical applications (Yadav and Kumar 2008 ). Carbon nanotubes
(CNTs) are also important. CNTs include single- and multi-walled nanotubes
cationsintheelectronicandpolymerindustries(Koehleretal. 2008 ; Wu et al. 2004 ;
Table 2 ). Moreover, the energy sector and the consumer goods industries are doing
research with this unique material (Koehler et al. 2008 ). CNTs promise to have
interestingfutureapplicationsbybeingintegratedintopolymers(Changetal. 2005 )
andintolithiumionsecondarybatteries(Ouellette 2003 ). The demand for carbon-
isenormousandisestimatedtoreach$1.096billionby2015(Garland 2009 ).
and platinum. Such ENPs possess specific properties that are based on their shape,
size and dissolution medium. Different routes have been used to synthesize these
andironnanoparticles(Ramtekeetal. 2010 , 2012 ; Sahu et al. 2012 ;Shankaretal.
2003 ). Metal nanoparticles have many uses and new ones are routinely being discov-
ered. For example, colloidal gold is used to treat rheumatoid arthritis in an animal
model(Tsaietal. 2007 ),isusedasadrugcarrier(Gibsonetal. 2007 ) and as an agent
fordetectingtumors(Qianetal. 2008 ). Colloidal gold has also been used as a con-
(HorisbergerandRosset 1977 )(Table 2 ). Silver nanoparticles are used in medicine
(Table 2 )asadisinfectant,antiseptic,insurgicalmasks,andinwounddressingsthat
have anti-bacterial activity (Chopra 2007 ). Many textiles, keyboards, cosmetics,
silvernanoparticlesthatprovideprotectionagainstmicroorganisms(Lietal. 2010 ).
lyst in Fischer-Tropsch synthesis, in drug-delivery applications, in magnetic reso-
nanceimaging(MRI)andintreatinghyperthermia(Huber 2005 ). Iron nanoparticles
have been used to remediate industrial sites that were contaminated with chlorinated
organiccompounds(Zhang 2003 )(Table 2 ). Platinum nanoparticles exhibit antioxi-
dant properties, but what applications they are to be put to is as yet undeciphered.
Although no applications have yet emerged, it is interesting to note that platinum
NPshaveantioxidantactivitythatincreasesroundwormlongevity(Kimetal. 2008 ;
Table 2 ).Thetotalmarketfornanoparticlesinbiotechnology,drugdiscoveryand
development was valued at $17.5 billion in 2011. The value is predicted to reach
approximately$53.5billionin2017(BCCResearch 2012 ).
The commercially important metal oxide nanomaterials include TiO 2 , ZnO,
Fe 2 O 3 , Fe 3 O 4 , SiO 2 , MgO and Al 2 O 3 . These nanomaterials increasingly have appli-
cations as catalytic devices, sensors, uses in environmental remediation and in
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